my fortnightly newsletter, speed of trust, is a space for coming together in the messiness of existing as the fullest version of the self, where raw expression, cringe, nuance and pleasure, are uplifted as spells for living in a state of expansion.
here, I share personal essays, poetry, somatic and pleasure-based practices, and my upcoming offerings/events

My Body Is An Orchard
by Taylor Neal, edited by Em Keeler
My Body Is An Orchard takes the form of a collection of original poetry written during my time as a steward of the land in northern California during the summer of 2022, in reflection of the ways my body gives and receives, serves and is served, heals and is healed, by the land, by love, by violence, and by the souls with whom I move through contact.
in print
Obscene Pomegranate Issue 002 2024
Femme Art Review Issue 003: Censorship 2024
SAD Magazine: Blank Slate 2023
Poetry Undressed: The Undressed Society Issue 002, 2023
My Body Is An Orchard by Taylor Neal 2023
Folklore Zine: A Harm Reductionist's Guide to Better Care Issue 02 2022
Solstice Literary Magazine Issue 1: Relationships Spring 2022

interested in writing services?
I have always had a wild passion for writing, and one of my favourite practices is supporting others in bringing their ideas out of their minds and into words to share and spread.
If you've been looking for written content for your website, your blog, or your print publication, and you feel our values align, I'd love to be part of your journey!