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What Moves Me?

Growing up, I was always moved by music. My chubby four-year-old hands finding stability in holding the corner of our 90s boom box as I wiggled my hips before I could walk, I was always going to be a dancer. I always have been. Music has a way of getting under my muscles and into my bones, pulling me out of my head and down into my sensual body, allowing myself to feel presence, to feel whole, whenever I can let go of reality and enter the flow for even just a moment. Music moves me, because music moves my body without thought, and my body then guides me in space as I follow her through unanticipated shapes and motion.

When I dance, I feel connected to nature, the elements, that is, and their existence inside of me. From the earth at my root I ground down and connect. From the water in my sacrum, I flow endlessly with power and without hesitation. From the fire in my solar plexus I exude light, energy and dynamic spontaneity. My heart brings me back inward, connects me to air, lightness, and allows me to find harmony and balance as I swirl with the wind and flow in space. My throat chakra allows me to express. Sometimes with sound, with song, with breath or prayer, and sometimes only with movement. My third eye allows me to move intuitively, to trust my body and to let go of fear. My crown taps me into higher existence, into my spiritual self and my ancestors. From here, I transcend the material world and allow myself to move unapologetically and accept however that looks each day. What moves me is my emotional body and my ability to move as I feel.

As I move through life then, I am moved by passion, fire, tuning into living in a sensual, ever flowing state of expansion. I am moved by the sound of the ocean, the heat of the sun, the way it sparkles on the surface of the water, and the damp, heavy silence of Pacific Northwest rain forests. I am moved by my infinite desire for experience and love, I am moved by my love for life. I am moved by breaking away from traditional ways of being, and finding beauty in a messy, raw, unconventional lifestyle. I am motivated by, and moved, by freedom. I create freedom for myself. I am moved by a lack of barriers and the space to run.

I move as I feel, I feel through my sensual body, and I live, or strive to anyway, in a constant state of flow and discovery. I am moved by my love for life.