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an ode to My Pleasure

Pleasure is your birthright,

she said to me.

let me repeat that, she said,

Pleasure is your birthright.

My birthright,

it is Mine. My body design

to feel Pleasure.

to lean into the infinity of sense,


sensory living


existing in the structure of the cells in My skin, My hair, My tongue,

in the folds of My belly, the creases of My thighs.

I am a sponge, a playground, a canvas,

inspiring the creation, the colours, of My Pleasure.

the essence of creation vibrating in My body, My w(Om)b

to explore Pleasure is to create

with others, alone.

to create experience, feeling, moments that trickle into the senses, trickling between outer and inner landscapes,

permeability of self and other.

weaving materiality of body and universe.

My Pleasure is not linear, it is not static, it cannot be quantified, defined, structured in language.

cannot confine in binaries.

it is one thing and then another, flowing,


it waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon,

as do I.

My fluctuating existence through space and time.

it looks, feels, tastes, smells, different as I change, shift, release.

birth, death, sex, rebirth.

Pleasure is the acknowledgement of My fluidity,

separate My Pleasure from gendered implications, aesthetics, law,

allow My Pleasure to breed its own pathways, occupy its own space,

within me.

honouring, welcoming, where it chooses to flow, without judgement



honouring its existence within My body alone, for only I feel it. only I can create it.

it is Mine, My birthright, the essence of My being.

it waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon,

as do I.