body, pleasure & sexuality

a space to uncover your sensual self

Don't Ghost Your Body: Listen to your Body Cues | Sexfluent

Body literacy is one of the oldest forms of human intelligence. We all know how to tell when we have to pee, when we’re hungry, when we’re thirsty, hot, cold, tired, relaxed. We all have some sense of what it’s like to receive a bodily cue and interpret its meaning.Many of us also know what it’s like to receive a cue from our body, perhaps that we’re hungry or tired, but rather than listen to that cue and giving our body what it needs, we ignore the information our body has given us and push thr...

Sensuality is for Men, Too

**Note to the reader: When I use the term “men” in this article, I am referring to cis-het, traditionally masculine men, though this conversation can apply to anyone struggling with their relationship to masculinity and the “Act Like A Man Box.”
Before we dive into the men of it all, let’s first take a moment to celebrate where we are. 
Women and queer people have been working their butts off for generations to get to where we are when it comes to sexual health and wellness accessibility. We’ve...

Rejection is Redirection: How to cope with rejection in dating — Good Vibes Clinic

If you think about every experience of rejection you’ve ever had when dating, and even every experience of rejection you’ve maybe had within relationships, it is always, always, some form of redirection toward an outcome that’s more aligned for you in some way. When we receive rejection, whether it be someone telling us they’re not interested in dating, someone ghosting us entirely, or even our long term partners telling us they’re not in the mood for sex, it is always possible to use this infor...

What’s The Magic Number? Let’s Talk About Sexual Frequency

By Taylor Neal
Almost every client I see in my sexology practice has some idea in their minds about how much sex is “normal” to be having when in a relationship, and it is often this magic number that causes us the most anxiety when we’re not meeting it consistently for some reason. 

It seems, on average, that most of us expect to be having sex 2-3 times per week if we’re in a relationship, and therefore if we’re having less sex than this in our relationship over a period of time, we start to f...

How To Find Your True Attraction | Sexfluent

If you read Part 1 of this blog post, we explored how mainstream media and the lack of queer relationship representation can impact the process of understanding your sexuality.In order to find our true attraction, and to keep finding it as we grow and evolve, we have to get clear on what the experience of attraction or desire actually feels like in our body. We can do this by having a regular Desire Check-In with ourselves, perhaps once a month or when we’re noticing new feels we’re trying to so...

Why Does My Sexual Attraction Keep Changing? | Sexfluent

A nice idea, because often, more often than you’d think, our experience of attraction (who and what we’re attracted to) is not this simple. Our experience of attraction is affected by many different external sources, such as the culture we grow up in, the religious landscape of our home and family, the media we consume, the friends we make, the political climate of the time, the type of education we’ve had access to, and many other things that shape how we see and experience ourselves throughout...

Why Do I Have Better Sex With People I Don’t Like? (Part 2) | Sexfluent

This next part focuses on the experience of Overcoming Ambivalence, which is one of the Four Cornerstones Of Eroticism that contributes to confusing experiences of being turned on but also un-attracted or disliking the person or situation at hand. . The experience of ambivalence, of holding two or more contradicting feelings at once, can be confusing in any area of our lives, but when it comes to sex it can throw us off completely. Rom-coms love this cornerstone, because it’s something to be ove...

7 Essential Tips for Maintaining Vulvar Health

The hot weather and the holiday season is upon us! This time of year brings lots of excitement, social engagement, days filled with sunshine and laughter, and lots of decadent foods and drinks, in the place of our regular daily and weekly routines. What a beautiful thing it is, to indulge in the treats and quality time with loved ones we get to experience this time of year. But with so much excitement and disruption to our regular routines, it can be quite easy to become a bit lax around our se...

Why Do I Have Better Sex With People I Don't Like? | Sexfluent

Surprisingly, this question comes up quite a bit for folks who are on a journey of exploring their sexuality.When we start to get curious about our past sexual experiences, we might start to notice patterns which can make us stop and question why we might be drawn to certain types of partners or certain types of sex. Of course, this largely has to do with how we experience sexual attraction and arousal. But when it comes to certain relationship dynamics, it can feel extremely confusing to notice...

Solo sex in relationships: I am my primary partner

Whenever I’ve found myself in relationships, my solo sex life has always taken a drastic hit.
I would get so excited and wrapped up in my developing relationship(s) that all of my sexual energy and consideration would go towards another person. Essentially, my sexuality would become about them, their desires, their libido – how I could satisfy their needs.
I have a pretty high libido. I’m quite open-minded about trying new things or incorporating my partners’ desires, so I never thought of it as...

Context For Your Sensual Self

Context is one of the main topics that comes up in sex and relationship therapy, but what the heck does it mean and how to we use it to support our sex lives, and our desire, both solo and within our relationships?Context is a concept largely attributed to the work of sex educator and author, Emily Nagoski, which refers to the belief that how we show up to sex, and the environment in which we show up to sex, largely impacts our desire for, and enjoyment of, the sex we’re having, where and when w...

The Power Of Self-Seduction: The Cycle of Disconnection and How to Reclaim Your Pleasure — Good Vibes Clinic

When we think of our sexuality, we often think of it in relation to others.We think of how attractive we might appear to others, the people we might be attracted to, the ways we can seduce, or pleasure, or service, or provide for, other people, how we are seen and perceived by the world around us. Our understanding of, and experience of, our sexuality then, becomes largely contingent on the feedback we receive from the outside world; our sexual self and worth becoming rooted in bodies and experi...

What’s (Not) Up: Why You Might Be Struggling With Erections

One of the most common things people with penises come to sex therapy for is difficulty gaining and/or maintaining erections. 
Our first response to this is often to think there’s something on a physical or hormonal level that’s causing us to struggle with getting erections, and sometimes this is the case. Often however, erection issues can be caused by more psychological and/or relational factors that are creating a block when it comes to sex. 
What we see in the media in regards to penis-ownin...

A Beginner's Guide to Butt Stuff

Written by Taylor Neal.
If you’re new to the world of butt stuff, booty play, or whatever language feels good for you to use for anal stimulation and/or sex, it can feel a little intimidating to know where to begin. 
Your booty hole has one of the highest concentrations of nerve endings in your entire body, and with this amount of nerve endings comes the potential for equally high levels of sensation, and therefore, high levels of pleasure. 
Of course, with this high concentration of nerve...

Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality: How Do We Think About Our Bodies? — Good Vibes Clinic

Our relationship with our bodies is a complex and ever-evolving relationship that grows and fluctuates just as often as we do as we age and navigate the different phases of our lives. How we think and feel about our bodies affects how we feel about ourselves in general in many ways, as well as how we show up in relationships, and how we engage in sex and intimacy both with ourselves and with our partners. For most of us, our relationship with our bodies is one of the most difficult relationships...

You’re Not Broken: Understanding Pain During Sex —

** This article focuses primarily on the anatomy of people with vulvas, though concepts are applicable to any body, gender or anatomy.

Many of us have been taught that one of the key components of a healthy relationship is a wildly passionate, constant, problem-free sex life.

Our culture is continuously silencing and stigmatizing sex, while simultaneously over-sexualizing all aspects of romantic relationships. No matter how healthy, stable, and pleasure-filled our relationships might be, often

The Tailored Dating Experience™️

Regardless of whether you prefer to use dating apps, or try your luck at meeting people IRL, the process of “dating” and getting to know people can be so activating and challenging in so many ways.

It often feels exhausting, because we’ve been told for so long that dating has to look a certain way. We’re taught that one gender or the other is supposed to be the one to ask the other out, that one gender or another has to be the one to text after a date, and if they don’t text within a certain ti

Stress In Space: How Our Environment Impacts Our Nervous System —

The good news is that we can use both our own bodily cues and our own physical spaces to support our journey. While we don’t have control over every space we find ourselves in, we do have control over some aspects of our environments. We can use what we’ve got and roll with it.

It would be naive of me to say that the key to regulating your nervous system is to always be in environments that support nervous system regulation when we need to regulate. This is simply unrealistic for many.


The Scientific Patriarchy And Its Influence On Our Bodies

**Disclaimer: I use the term “female” in reference to Lucy Cooke’s research in animal species because this is the terminology used in the book. I use “AFAB” to refer to humans with uteruses (Assigned Female At Birth) to maintain clarity in my discussions of anatomy. In no way does my terminology intend to link anatomy with gender in humans.

I shake my head as I sit down to write this article, because it’s 2024 and as a general population we still aren’t familiar with proper anatomical terms for

So, You’re Looking For a Third?

**For clarity, this article focuses on welcoming new partners into existing, established relationships between two or more people, regardless of gender, orientation, or what the relationship and/or sexual dynamics are. This is not to say I am only speaking of monogamous relationships, though this absolutely applies to monogamous couples. The concept of introducing a new person within an established multiple partner relationship is equally relevant to monogamous couples. Take what resonates for y

Beneath the Surface: Menstruation, Body Dysmorphia, and Inner Healing

Over the years I have learned to love my cyclical nature. While I was taught from pubescence that having a period is a hassle, and perhaps the worst part of being a person with a uterus, I have spent many years of my adult life working to develop a loving, compassionate relationship with my menstrual cycle. Most of the time, now, I actually really love feeling connected to my cycle and the many unique, yet unifying, experiences it brings me, both in connection to my own bo
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