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Taylor Neal

Firstly I'm an artist, but I'm also a writer, sex educator and somatic therapist with an insatiable fascination toward the expressions and forms of the sensual body.

With my background primarily in dance and movement, my exploration of the body has lead me toward a career in somatic sexology, and I now offer one on one sessions designed to tune into the language of your body and connect to your pleasure and sensuality. 

I want you to fall in love with YOU, to reclaim your body and your pleasure, to lean in and hear the whispers of your heart and use them as a guide to living your juiciest life. 

my latest articles:

When the Pussy Says No: On Vaginismus, Tension & Trauma

Quite often, when anything doesn’t work the way we want it to in relation to sex and our bodies, the first response we feel is an enormous amount of shame.

Whether it’s with a partner, solo, or even with a doctor, if there’s something we feel is unusual going on with our sexual body; our genitals and our ability to have the sex we feel we should be able to have, we immediately feel as though we are broken, in a different way than we do with any other part of our body.

If we sprain an ankle or

The Scientific Patriarchy And Its Influence On Our Bodies

**Disclaimer: I use the term “female” in reference to Lucy Cooke’s research in animal species because this is the terminology used in the book. I use “AFAB” to refer to humans with uteruses (Assigned Female At Birth) to maintain clarity in my discussions of anatomy. In no way does my terminology intend to link anatomy with gender in humans.

I shake my head as I sit down to write this article, because it’s 2024 and as a general population we still aren’t familiar with proper anatomical terms for

Eternally Shadow-Banned | Femme Art Review

I have always been fascinated by bodies and the natural beauty of bodies being bodies interacting with the world.I grew up as a dancer, which connected me intimately at an early age to the complexities and nuances of different bodies through all stages of life—the ways that youthful bodies move, how these movements change as we age, and the influence of one’s own lived experience on their relationship to their body.As a student, I became fascinated by fashion and costume and how ga...


your truth can never ruin a true connection

My Body Is An Orchard

By Taylor Neal, edited by Em Keeler

My Body Is An Orchard takes the form of a collection of original poetry written during my time as a steward of the land in northern California during the summer of 2022, in reflection of the ways my body gives and receives, serves and is served, heals and is healed, by the land, by love, by violence, and by the souls with whom I move through contact.

my fortnightly newsletter, speed of trust, is a space for coming together in the messiness of existing as the fullest version of the self, where raw expression, cringe, nuance and pleasure, are uplifted as spells for living in a state of expansion.

here, I share personal essays, poetry, somatic and pleasure-based practices, and my upcoming offerings/events